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C.O.U.P.L.E.: The Secret of Successful Marketing Relationships

Success in a marketing relationship is just like success in a romantic one. Social media has distinct strategic online marketing power that allows companies to C.O.U.P.L.E.

- Commitment: You need to show that you’ll go the distance in this social media relationship. You need to invest your time-building social connections without demanding a payoff. Slow and steady wins this race.

Smart Social Media Execution To Support Sales

As with all other online marketing solutions, one social media site doesn’t fit all organizations. The key thing that organizations need to remember is the need to serve and support. That is the way to sell. Social media efforts must have value. There has to be value to get people to engage. Social media doesn’t sell things—people sell things. Engaging in social media marketing starts the relationship-building process. The focus of many organizations is usually the bottom line. The new bottom line is that the organization is now in the relationship business.

jQuery - Element Get/Lost Focus

There are two important jQuery functions for dealing with element's focus. They are:

.focus(handler) - to set focus to a field
.blur(handler) - to get focus from a field

jQuery - Change CSS Style

As you can see in our previous articles for jQuery tips and tricks, this Javascript library can finish almost all we want to do.

We can get DOM nodes, access and change their values, create or remove elements on the fly... And now we'll provide a simple way for changing CSS style of an element.

jQuery - Detect Mouse Button Click

At the first place we need to assume that our HTML code contains the code:

<div id="buttondiv">Button</div>
<p>Press Mouse Button over the "Button" text above</p>

Next step is to add jQuery code to check which mouse button is clicked: