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jQuery - Installation

jQuery, a Javascript library, is very easily can be added to a webpage; it is enough to download it and add a reference to a web page. jQuery is a single javascript file. Official site where you can download the last version is

1) Download the latest version from the official site

2) Copy the file to a location where you will create a site

3) Add the following line to the head tag of your site page:

jQuery - Selecting Node in DOM object

jQuery has the $() function that actually selects a web page's parts. Any CSS selector expression or DOM node can be passed as argument; its results are all found elements.

C# - Check If String Is DateTime

Code snippet for checking whether string is datetime in C#

C# - Check If String Is Number

 Here is a code snippet for checking if string is number in C#

How to Remove Info / Question Mark Button in SyntaxHighlighter

SyntaxHighlighter is an open source Java Script client side code syntax higlighter developed by Alex Gorbatchev (

Its lime green question mark info icon can make code visibility issue and maybe it's better to remove it sometime.