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How to Install Yii Framework in XAMPP on Windows

Yii is a high-performance, component-based PHP framework for developing large-scale Web applications rapidly. It enables maximum reusability in Web programming and can significantly accelerate your Web application development process.

We wrote how to install Yii framework in XAMPP on Ubuntu/Linux, and here are instructions how to install it on Windows environment.


SilverStripe 3 Installation Tutorial

SilverStripe is award winning free content management system, published under MIT licence. The latest and greatest version is v3.0.2. Below are instructions how to install SilverStripe CMS on your own environment.


Preparing the environment

Before you install SilverStripe you need to be sure that all requirements are satisfied and that your database is created. You need to have installed PHP at least v5.3.0 and write access to a database.

XAMPP Tips and Tricks

Inforbiro is an Information Technology and Marketing Agency with its own Internet marketing network BlicKlik. We have a lot of experience in software development as well as in Internet marketing and advertising. We constantly try not only to develop great web sites, mobile, desktop or facebook applications but also to share our knowledge.

Therefore, below is a collection of XAMPP Tips and Tricks articles written on our company blog that could be useful to all of you.


GIMP - Create Glass Reflection Effect

In one of our previous articles, we wrote how to create social media icon with GIMP image editor.

In this post, you'll learn how to create image reflection effect. For this tutorial, we're going to use logo of Femina Portal, very popular female Internet portal dedicated to our ladies.


1) Open or create the image you want to create reflection effect for.

GIMP - How to Take Screenshot

Yes, we love GIMP! And we continue sharing small tips and tricks that could save a lot of time for everyday tasks.

Did you know that, among many useful features, GIMP can also take screenshots without any additional plugins?


How to take a screenshot with GIMP

1) Go to File > Create > Screenshot...

2) New window will appear