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Connect to a VNC Server With SSH

Here is tutorial how to connect to a VNC server behind a firewall that only allows SSH traffic. You can tunnel the VNC traffic through an SSH connection with SSH access to the VNC server.

Connect to the VNC server with SSH and forward the local client's 5904 TCP port to the port 5901 of the VNC server, e.g.:

$ ssh -L 5904:*:5901

Open new window and direct vncview to your localhost and port 5904 so the traffic will be forwarded to your VNC server's port 5901:

$ vncview localhost:5904

Transfer Elgg Site

Elgg is an award-winning open source social networking engine that provides a robust framework on which to build all kinds of social environments, from a campus wide social network for your university, school or college or an internal collaborative platform for your organization through to a brand-building communications tool for your company and its clients.

How to Join Variables in Bash Script

Every advanced GNU/Linux user uses Bash scripts to make life easier.

We maintenance a lot of websites, hosted mostly on LAMP systems (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP). Tasks could be time consuming if you have so many sites, so creating scripts to done jobs instead of you is very useful.

Webhosting - Inodes Explanation

What are Inodes

Definition of an inode is:

In computing, an inode is a data structure on a traditional Unix-style file system such as UFS. An inode stores basic information about a regular file, directory, or other file system object.

MySQL Tips and Tricks

Inforbiro is an Information Technology and Marketing Agency with its own Internet marketing network BlicKlik. We have a lot of experience in software development as well as in Internet marketing and advertising. We constantly try not only to develop great web sites, mobile, desktop or facebook applications but also to share our knowledge.