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Problems with LibreOffice icons in Ubuntu 12.04

There are several issues with LibreOffice icons in Ubuntu 12.04:

Piwik - "Keyword not defined"

Piwik is a free (GPL licensed) PHP MySQL web analytics software package. It provides detailed reports on your website and its visitors, including the search engines and keywords they used, the language they speak, which pages they like, the files they download… and so much more.

SilverStripe - Get Related Articles

It is really great relief if you have many blog posts and don't need to take care of related articles for each of them in SilverStripe CMS.

Here is how to get relevant or similar articles / posts in SilverStripe automatically, based on meta keywords or tags. And not only that the logic returns related articles but it also returns them by relevance! For example, if you visit funny article about jobs I dream of, you can notice that the first result has in common more than one tags and all below have only one.

Note: The code is not tested in v3.x.

HTML 4 on HTML5 Web Browsers

It is safe to assume that all HTML5 web browsers will honor HTML 4 websites, but only if the appropriate HTML 4 document type declaration is found.

This maintains backward compatibility with the vast majority of websites on the Internet. The HTML 4 declaration instructs the web browser to run in HTML 4 standards mode, thus rendering the older standard correctly.

An example of an HTML 4 document type declaration:

<!doctype html public “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN” “”>

HTML 5 Features

We provided brief explanation of HTML 5 in our article here and below are mentioned main features that HTML5 specifications contains.

Flexible Box Model and Multi-Column Layout

You can use two new methods to create table-like layouts in HMTL5 and CSS3

New Flexible Box Model allows you to structure data into multiple rows or columns within a new display: box object.