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If you try to change collection (add or remove element) while you looping through it, the following error message could appear:

InvalidOperatioException was unhandled


Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.

The message could be present in the following situation:

foreach (Item item in collection)
    if (item.expired == true)

Updating collections is one the most common thing we do in our code so here is one way to avoid the issue. Use ToArray() method 

foreach (Item item in collection.ToArray())
    if (item.expired == true)

When the collection is large compared to the number of updates being implemented it is probably best to create a seperate list to hold the edits and then enumerate them like in the following example:

List<Item> updates = new List<Item>();
foreach (Item item in collection)
    if (item.expired == true)
foreach (Item item in updates)
